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The Rights Of A Speaker

In Attracting New Clients, Business Networking Groups, Delivery, Increased sales, Public Speaking on April 19, 2011 at 8:51 AM

Speaking Tip 30

 The audience expects (and is entitled to) the best performance you can offer. Your credibility and that of your organization is at stake every time you make a presentation.

As a speaker, you have rights to insure you are positioned to properly provide the top-rate service your audience expects. Do not be afraid to politely turn down a request to speak if the reasons justify it.

A speaker is entitled to:

  • Adequate lead-time to prepare for your talk
  • Clearly defined expectations – What is it they want from your talk and why were you asked to speak?
  • The parameters of your talk – e.g. time allotted, size of audience
  • A clear description of audience member’s backgrounds and needs related to the topic
  • A list of other speakers preceding and following your talk
  • Access to proper equipment: stage or podium, lectern, microphone, properly functioning audio-visual equipment
  • Ability to set up the room in advance so that it works for you
  • The full amount of time they have allotted you
  • A host who sets clear ground rules so the audience treats the speaker with respect
  • A place to speak that is quiet with out distractions

 To deliver your best you need the right tools, time and information. These will increase your self the confidence and credibility allowing you to offer excellent presentation the audience deserves.




© 2008 – All rights reserved.  This speaking tip is one in a series provided to you by iSpeakEASY.  Call for information on individual coaching or group training.

Qualities Of A Great Training Workshop

In Uncategorized on April 7, 2011 at 9:21 AM

Finding a speaking skills workshop is easy. Finding one that helps you become a better speaker is a bit harder.

Have you attended a workshop where you sit in a room full of people, spent most of the time listening, received a binder of information, and are then encouraged to buy more books? If you are like most people, you walked out with your head swimming. The next day you place the binder on your desk with the intention of reading it. Now that binder is on your shelf, unopened, and you are doing things in pretty much the same way today as you did before the workshop.

It does not have to be that way.

A good workshop or speaking coach treats you as an individual. Your thinking is stimulated; you have time to discuss new ideas, and are allowed to practice the new techniques. Instead of overloading you with information, you are feed digestible chunks. You leave feeling empowered to use your new skills. The end result is a change in your behavior that leads to more effective performance. If you are willing to invest time and money to improve your skills, choose your workshop carefully.

A good workshop or Performance Speaking Coach:

  • Places emphasis on YOUR skills, talents, and personality rather than those of the instructor.
  • Involves one-on-one  coaching or small group interaction
  • Utilizes professional coaching or a mix of professional and peer coaching (not peer coaching alone)
  • Takes a flexible approach to focus on your situation, needs, and interests
  • Involves multiple short sessions that allow you to think about what you have learned, apply it, then come back and discuss the results
  • Provides honest feedback in a non-judgmental manner
  • Feels comfortable
  • Offers meaningful interaction with the instructor and other participants
  • Pushes you in a safe environment

Be wary of trainings that incorporate:

  • Peer-to-peer coaching as the sole method of learning
  • Trainers with a “large personality” who want you to emulate their style
  • Large hotel conference rooms packed full of participants
  • Agendas where you spend more than 50% of the time listening
  • Training companies that encourage trainers to sell product
  • “Pollyanna” trainers that tell you positive things that feel good without providing critical review of your work.

If you are going to invest time and money into your professional development, make sure to invest wisely so you gain skills and improve as a speaker.

© 2010  iSpeakEASY. All rights reserved – We help people profit from their words. 

The Speakers Academy is a 4-part series for professionals serious about improving their presentation skills. Particapants work in a small group setting to take an indepth look at goals, content, delivery, visual aids and evaluation. A new session begins January 17th, 2012. Click Here for details.

Click Here for information on workshops and coaching.  

Click here to learn about our philos0phy of training.

Click here if you want to add video to your website.

Unlocking The Minds Of Your Audience

In Attracting New Clients, Business Networking Groups, Confidence/Nervousness, Credibility, Delivery, Public Speaking on April 2, 2011 at 3:52 PM

Speaking Tip # 66


Chances are, we’ve all tried to use a key that is rusted, dirty, and nicked. Yes, the key might open the lock, but it takes more effort and frustration.

Content is the key to a good presentation, but if key is not well polished, the presentation won’t measure up to expectations.

A good presentation is easy to follow and fun to hear. The audience is intrigued and inspired, and the room is filled with energy. This happens when the speaker’s goal is to allow the audience to focus on the meaning of the words, rather than exert effort trying to figure out what they mean. The more distractions (rust, dirt, nicks) the speaker can remove, the easier it is for the key to unlock the minds of the audience.

Common types of speaker rust, dirt, and nicks include:

·     Irrelevant information or relevant information delivered at the wrong time. As a speaker, it’s easier to determine what to say than to know what not to say. Some speakers assume they are the center of attention and believe the audience wants to hear everything they have to say. Effective speakers understand the audience is the center of attention, so everything said must benefit the audience, not satisfy the ego of the speaker.

·     Poor presentation style. Distracting mannerisms, verbal fidgeting (ums, ahs), and pacing back and forth all detract from speaker credibility. Rather than being able to relax and absorb what’s being said, the audience only shares the speaker’s discomfort.

·     Poorly designed talk. The audience expends energy trying to piece together bits of information, rather than being able to expand on the ideas being presented.

·     Poorly designed graphics. The audience is forced to guess what an image means, rather than just listen to the speaker and understand the points being made.

·     Lack of attention to audience needs. An audience member who is thirsty, hungry, deprived of caffeine, or in need of a break has a difficult time listening, let alone focusing and appreciating.

A good presentation demonstrates respect for the audience. It says the speaker values the audience enough to make the experience completely enjoyable. Most people will forgive poor presentation style if the content is valuable or interesting; however, they have every right to expect a presentation with good content and excellent delivery.


Are you an experienced speaker interested in improving your skills and increase the effectiveness of your presentations? The Speakers Academy is a fast, intense, four-part workshop for professionals that want to increase their confidence, become more credible, and accomplish more with their words.

We will build on your existing skills and bring you to a new level with your speaking.

Click here to learn more.



© 2011  iSpeakEASY. All rights reserved -. We help people profit from their words. Call for information on individual coaching or group workshops. .